Wednesday 23 May 2007

Do you think there's a special fairy...

...who comes and gives you 10 extra zips and makes them extra loud when you're in the library?


  1. Do you think there is a special fairy ... who calls everyone with their phone on in the silent section of the library?! Grr!

  2. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I hate studying in the quiet parts of the library...

  3. Though libraries are a great place to hide! or leave messages randomly in books...pples phone numebers, people photo's...Libraries have this...haven to them. It's kinda cool...

  4. thats why you dont have a quiet part of the library! :-D
    the quietest we get is having people listening to music on the CD players... :-P
    Still a bit concerned about the lack of word verificationess on your blog Imo... :-)

  5. NEVER let Kat have a bad picture of yo. She will photocopy it and put it everywhere around Launceston uni. Still not happy Jan! (Well maybe I'm over it, since it was about 2 years ago - when Kat was still a teenager. Lol).

  6. Ahhhhhhhh enough with the loud talking on the phone in the library!!! I can't take it anymore!!!!
