Friday, 20 January 2006

Aunty Mog, take 2 (and 3)

I'm an aunty again, and there are a few pics, just to prove it! Both are healthy, small, but everything's normal! They'll be kept in for another 4 or 5 weeks, but my sister goes home on the weekend! It's so exciting!!!

Thanks for all the prayer about them, please keep it up, they'll still be needing those eyes watching over all the time....

I think I've gotten a job... Have a trial tomorrow at a backpackers in town, which I'm really looking forward to, because it's exactly waht I wanted... Hopefully they'll keep me on after that....

But yay! Twins! Healthy! Rose's (my niece, their sister) reaction apparently was very funny. She's been jabbering on about the twins for months now, and kissing them goodnight through the belly button, but it's all been a bit abstract for her and she was silent, gobsmacked for about a minute when she met them for the first time! Then went home saying "babies got fingers. Babies got 2 eyes. Babies in box" (from mummy's tummy to a box.... logical)

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