Saturday 22 January 2005

What an odd film!

Dune... can't decide if I liked it or not! It was intriguing, I can see why very few people liked it, but it also has a certain likability!! It reminded me a little of a mixture of The Matrix (prophecy about a super-human person coming to save the world from an intruding evil... for one!), Tremors (big worms going around eating people and destroying things) and Star Wars (desert island, especially Return of the Jedi and the big eating machine in the middle of hte desert - very similar mouths!). Overall it was weird, with the director loving the use of psychadelic imagery, or maybe starting to use computer imagery, and going over the top! The use of the water drop started to get a little repertitive though...!!!

Hmmm... I shall think about whether I liked it or not, wouldn't want to see it again.. I know that much, but that doens't mean it isn't worth seeing once....! Hmmm....

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