Monday 25 July 2005

Wow, last week was fantastic!

First there was Munich, on Wednesday, which in many ways reminded me of Queensland, alhtough I'm not entirely sure how or why! We went to a really cool museum, with a whole level for puppets and marionettes, and a whole heap of old fahioned fair games - shoot Hitler for example, and a big king kong that moved when you walked past him! There was also a room of old wax bodies, for medicine, and pphotos of the 'freaky people'... Very cool! Down a couple of levels was a room with heaps of stuff from WW2, was kinda weird to be seeing it all from germany, but anyway! That was cool, there were first aid kits and food boxes and stuff, all with a little story about who owned them, how they were found, all in German! I could understand most of it!

I also bought Finding Nemo on cd (a read out story) for aural practice, because that's still my weakestz point!

Last week for 3 days was a massive street artists festival! It was amzing - I went everyday and saw heaps of people. Some I actually recognised from ZTaste of Tas (sorrry, i'm writing this very fast, don'T have time to correct!), like Leopardman, that lady on the trapeze and silky things and a few others - they came from all over the world! Said hello to most of hte Australians and New Zealanders, gave them money, nice to talk to my own kind again! Funniest were a Japanese duo... Hilarious, had my sides hurting at times! Other funny ones were Married Men, from England (one was heaps like Bill Oddie) whos' finale was to be arguing, juggling clubs between them, then the Bill Oddie one whips off the table cloth, during the argument and juggling, from under the dishes. He then also puts it back.... Very very funny! Best overall ws the fire show I saw three times, by FlameOz. Was AMAZING, I filmed bits of it on my digital camera, not brilliant, but better than just photos!

Vienna tomorrow. Verona Friday... Need new jeans and shoes (have a little toe hole in my reeboks, can live with it though and a mobile phone hole in my jeans...!!)

Gotta go!

1 comment:

  1. yo imoo

    haha i wont discuss the letter on account of it STILL BEING IN MY BAG
    haha life is busy (that is a poor excuse) yeh so we wont tread there.
    but anywho i thought id send u a comment to make you feel happi.

    missing ya and all!

    larv katiem
