Friday 14 October 2005

Why is it that the mention of lice is enough to make the scalp itchy?

There's an outbreak of lice inteh school at the moment, wahoo... Have no idea how it started, except that it was in the class of a couple of girls who come and spend every break in our room.... But everyone started feeling itchy as soon as it was announced that teh annual outbreak had arrived!! Horrible feeling!

Finished watching One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, must say I enjoyed it, in an 'I'm so glad it isn't like that anymore (hopefully no more lobotomies)' way! We're about to look at The CUrious INcident of the Dog in the Nghttime too!

REad Sherlock Holmes last week, this week Father Brown (G.K. Chesterton), which is really funny! This little priest just keeps on popping up all over the place and solving mysteries very quietly and inconspiculously!

Trying to find a countdown clock at teh moment for all you exctied bunnies, so you can see how long until I leave here! I dad that stupid thing of deleting my old one entirely, so now have to hunt it down again!!

And I had so much to talk about this time, but completely run out of time, as usual, so have to stop there for the moment, will prolly be back some time next week with something for all you busy uni people to use fror procrastination! Maybe a new quiz or soemthing... Alhtough what you could do at the moment is look for a simple javascript countdown timer for me!

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