Saturday 19 November 2005

Schau! Do bi' i!

The Ball was last night! Was fairly good, although not (I found) as good as our formals - too many people, all over the place (very cool building though) and lots of smoke.... There's a photo of me on the internet though, with Cora (a friend of Bibi)... And it displays my beautiful new hairstye rathre well (remember that was after the hairdresser, it isn't so cool anymore, alhtough still looks good, nicely styled!)... My fingernails are bright red... My hair still smells a little (as does my downie, sadly, and I have to wear it today because it's so cold - it snowed this morning, well when I woke up, so this afternoon....!!) but i'm not tired, so that's nice! Anyway, here's the link to a photo of me - CLICK HERE!!´There are lots of other Ball photos there too!!

So the Ball.. Well Bibi and I wagged music yesterday afternoon, so we could go to the hairdresser (the teacher told us he'd be late, and althoug he couldn't officially cancel the class, if we weren't there, it wasn't a big issue!) I got my hair cut (i told her I have to be able to tie it all back, needs to suit my face (duh!) but that's all my requirements!) and was told a few times, 'don't be shocked by how much I'm cutting here (a lot, it was almost to my elbow again, and now is almost all above my shoulders, so about 15 cm is gone) and 'don't be worried if it looks like there's smoke (the straightener, never thought I could get my hair straightened, but it made it very smooth with the flip at the bottom!)... Was fun though, especially seeing Bibi sitting there under the old lady perm/space machine... Then I got homeabout an hour before her, I ate and prepared, and then got a fantastic jaw drop from Bibi when I appeared... Very funny! But we both looked really different for the night (I actually don't think a few people recognised me)! Her hair was all in curls! Got to the ball, delivered our coats (and spare shoes) and waited for ages for everyone to get there so we could go in! Everyone can invite up to 7 people to come to the Ball with them (family and close friends), so there were A LOT of people! Once we went in, we found our table, (about 3 rooms with reserved tables (had to reserve a place)) and sat down. Tried prosecco, is a Ball tradtition, but can'T say I really liked it, jsut like fizzy white wine... erk! There was a big ball room, where we watched a girl from our class perform a very cool dance, and the midnight bag out the teachers performance... There was also a (very loud) room with live bands, and lots of other such things. Very easy to lose people! Basically we just floated all over the place for 5 hours, I got my handbag signed by people (found a really terrible, cheap bag, white pvc, and people signed it for me!) etc etc! Eventually we left for the after party (I was really horribly tired, that's one of the worst things about having to speak a foreign language all the time, it's incredibly tiring, even when you don't realise it (realise it at 2am, trust me!) We had to wait until our first train hoome, at 5am... Melanie and I weren't that happy in Cheese, the bar for the after party, it was at first a little boring, and we were sitting right near the speakers (I hate it when places have jsut 2 speakers for a large space, so they're always really loud to sit near... But anyway!) Once it started to get interesting however, we'd both developed small headaches, and sore throats from yelling, and decided to go early to the train (Bibi stayed, and got home at 8am). That was a bit sad, that we couldn't stay, but it was just getting a little much! Was all rather funny though, lots of drunk Austrians singning loudly along with German songs, standing on tables swinging their biersteins (those really big beer glasses)... It was really... well.... proper!! Just like Austrians are supposed to act with the beer!

So got home at 5;30, was freezing cold, went to bed, and slept until 12:30, got up again and came into town!

Overall it was a fun night, alhtough not the best i#ve had, but I'm glad I went along! Simone came with laryngitis (or something).... Poor poppet!

Ummm.... Yep that's all folks! Oh no! Very cool, my mobile now works with all sim cards, including Aussie ones, hooray! And the guy in the shop did it for free, not entirely sure why, usually it costs €18 ($30ish) which was great, maybe it was the novelty of serving an Australian!!! Hooray!! And I can send as much stuff home as I like, through my host father's work, for free!! I don'T know why, or what strings were pulled, but it's fantastic!!

So tarra! tschüss!


  1. yeahhh might i say imo that u look

    like the flicky hair thing too :D

    i'm glad you saw austrians being real austrians... i wonder what people think being real australians is? stubbies and kangaroo meat, cobba.

    so 2 down, 2 to go
    (exams that is!!!)

