Friday 4 March 2005

Well, first it was 4 hours in a hospital, then a three year old dressing me...

...and now i look like a beaverchop again.... It has been a bit of a week really!

Now, donät start panicking people! I thought you a bit of a frright! The stroy is that Michi has a broken foot, done before I got here, and he had to get it checked, to make sure it was healing. I was supposed to be at school, going to be dropped off, on the way to the hospital. Unfortunately, my class is actually on an excursion to LONDON for the week (as you do!) so I could have either gone into another class for a week, and then swapped into the '7th form' or just stayed at home for the week....Yes that means I' on babysitting duty in a manner of speaking, but that's ok, I can occasinally sneak off and read or something, Sarah is cute though, although she loves hiding in my wardrobe.... ????????!

Anyway, I tagged along to get Michi's foot seen to, and was stuck sitting in the one plastic chair for 4 hours, while he went in had something done, came out again, went back in etc etc! The seats, for placcy, weren't that bad, baywest should look into them... I stayed sitting in the one seat for sometime, and didn't have a numb bum by the end of it....

Well, Sarah dressed me in coathangers... she took all the ones out of my wardrobe, and hung them through my belt loops until I clattered most impressivly!

Ans my infection has come back, although not nearly as badly as last time, this time, only a mild beaverchop!

Anyway, I have lots more to write about, should go and check in my journal for anything important though.... Monsters Inc is on sundaz night, dubbed of course...

Oh yeah! Me being the most musical person of my family (haha!), has been put into the class that is doing a Music Major thingo! Tee Hee! I have to sing in the choir, but donät know what else I'm expectd to do!

Anyway, been on the computer for a while I htink, anything major and I'll add it, but I think that's al really!

Ta for all the emails and stuff - would write more here ,but am busz reading them all!


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